

In 2021, I made a brash decision. I’d been practicing meditation for a few years, and usually sat for 10-15 minutes a day. Then I signed up for a ten-day silent retreat. This was taught in the style of S. N. Goenka, and we sat for ten hours a day. They were the hardest ten days of my life. And the most rewarding.

Since then, I’ve sat multiple other silent meditation retreats, and am finishing a two-year meditation teacher certification program through UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center. Alongside my coursework, I studies with Peter Doobinin, one of the founding teachers of New York Insight. These teachings focus on Insight meditation within the Theravada lineage – some of the foundational concepts are mindful awareness, friendly goodwill, and observing our emotions.

See my Workshops for upcoming classes and ongoing sittings.